Highly flexible asset-based revolver and term loans
Legacy Corporate Lending provides liquidity to middle-market businesses with every loan customized for the needs and preferences of the borrower. We are comfortable with a wide range of collateral types and loan purposes, offer support and flexibility during the life of the loan, and have rock-solid financial backing that enables us to respond quickly, maximize borrower liquidity, and provide certainty of close.
25+ YearsAverage experience in asset-based lending of Legacy leadership
$BillionsCumulative asset-based financing originated and/or managed by our team at Legacy and previous firms
$10M - $40MTypical size of Legacy loan
ZeroLayers of people to wade through to reach Legacy decision makers
Industry experts focused on borrowers’ needs
Legacy’s founders are hands-on ABL industry leaders who get to know every borrower and ensure Legacy’s flexible and supportive approach.

Legacy Senior Director of Operations Donna Dawson named by ABF Journal as one of the top women in specialty finance.